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Providers Currently Enrolled

Here's how you can make the most of your relationship with OCDE Family Support Services.

Keep your provider information up-to-date. You don't have to wait for a call from your OCDE FSS to let us know you have made changes in your services.  Contact the assigned OCDE Representative to provide us timely notification of changes in your fees, services, hours, location, or other information.

Provider AlphaOCDE RepresentativeTelephone
 A-Ga + KinderCare
 Brittany Cortez714/708-3876
 Ge-M except "M"ontessori
Holly Zimmerman714/708-3537
 Catalyst, Childtime, YMCA 
Janeth Maldonado714/708-3874
 N-Z + "M"ontessori
 Kimberly Andrews


Don't wait to let us know if you have a problem with your provider payment. We are here to answer your questions about how we calculate payments, the amount you were paid, and replacing a payment you did not receive.

Provider AlphaOCDE RepresentativeTelephone
 A, G, T Ann Tran714/708-3863
K no Kiddie, L Cam Sonota714/708-3878
H, I, J, O, U, V, W Joselynn Guzman714/708-5888
B, C, D, E + Kiddie Khanh Tran714/708-3882
 F, M, N Samuel Marquez714/708-5896
P, Q, R, S, X, Y, ZYalonda Morris714/708-3877


Sign up for direct deposit; it will save you a trip to the bank or the risk of a check lost in the mail. Providers may sign up with FIS Integrated Payables for Direct Deposit. See information links below: 

Tips for Direct Deposit Click Here.  Step By Step Website Guide Click Here. Sign up with FIS Click Here . ​
